Work in the News
Reaction blockading ...
Selected news coverage:
Synthesis of mixed hypermetallic oxide ...
Selected news coverage:
UCLA Newsroom: In step toward 'controlling chemistry,' physicists create a new type of molecule, atom by atom
(Stuart Wolpert: September 13, 2017) News: Study paves the way for creating on and off buttons for chemical reactions
(Stuart Wolpert: September 14, 2017)
ScienceDaily Science News: In step toward controlling chemistry, physicists create a new molecule, atom by atom
(Stuart Wolpert: September 14, 2017)
IOP Ions and atoms react in magneto-optical trap
(September 8, 2017)
AAAS EurekAlert!: In step toward controlling chemistry, physicists create a new molecule, atom by atom
(September 13, 2017)
Original Publication (Science
357, 1370-1375
Blue-Sky Bifurcation of Ion Energies ...
Selected news coverage:
UCLA Newsroom: UCLA physicists discover ‘apparent departure from the laws of thermodynamics’
(Stuart Wolpert: August 18, 2016)
IFLScience: Even Thermodynamics Gets Weird At An Atomic Level
(Alfredo Carpineti: August 19, 2016)
Mic.Com: Physicists discovered particles with 'departure from the familiar laws of thermodynamics'
(Kelly Dickerson: August 19, 2016)
ScienceDaily: Physicists discover 'apparent departure from the laws of thermodynamics'
(August 19, 2016)
Science Alert: Physicists have discovered particles that warp the laws of thermodynamics
(BEC Crew: August 22, 2016)
UPI: Scientists find exception to the laws of thermodynamics
(Brooks Hays: August 19, 2016)
Phys.Org: Physicists discover 'apparent departure from the laws of thermodynamics'
(August 19, 2016)
AAAS EurekAlert!: UCLA physicists discover 'apparent departure from the laws of thermodynamics'
(August 18, 2016)
Original Publication (Nat. Commun.
7, 12448
Laser-Cooling-Assisted Mass Spectrometry
Our publication on laser-cooling-assisted mass spectrometry has been highlighted here:
APS Physics Synopsis: Slow Down to Take a Better Spectrum (David Voss, September 30, 2014)
Original Publication (Phys. Rev. Appl. 2,
034013 (2014))
Optical Trapping of an Ion
Our first demonstration of optically trapping an ion has been covered here:
News and Views: Optical Manipulation: Trapping Ions (Timo A. Nieminen:
Nat. Photonics
4, 737--738
Wiley-VCH News: Ioneneinfang mit Laserlicht (Olivia Meyer-Streng,
October 25, 2010)
IOP Ions Trapped by Optical Fields (Jon Cartwright,
January 22, 2010) Ions Trapped by Optical Fields (Jon Cartwright,
January 22, 2010)
MIT Technology Review: View: Making Light of Ion Traps (January 20, 2010)
ScienceBlogs: Uncertain Principles: Trapping Ions With Light (Chad Orzel, January 25, 2010)
Original Publication (Nat. Photonics
4, 772-775